Sunday, January 18, 2009

"Bahamas for Obama!"

I got to Nassau, Bahamas yesterday around 2pm and as I walked around the streets near the hotel, signs on storefronts read "Bahamas for Obama!"

Clearly, everyone is excited about the inauguration.

I'm excited as well, but by the time Tuesday comes around, the rest of the study abroad group and myself will have been in Cuba for a few days. Our flight leaves for Havana this afternoon and I don't think any of us can really believe it's happening.

But while Cuba is just on the horizon, this is my first time in the Bahamas as well and it is BEAUTIFUL! I cannot believe how crystal-clear the water is and the tropical atmosphere is intoxicating. It reminds me a lot of Key West.

I think we're all going to walk around, explore and maybe visit a beach or two before leaving. And then it's off to Cuba...

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